托福口语考试素材整理:a person

时间:2024-05-19 23:15:38
2016年托福口语考试素材整理:a person

2016年托福口语考试素材整理:a person

  Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person.

  The person I would like to stay with is my cousin Tony. I have two reasons for that. First, Tony could always inspire me to work hard. He is a programmer and is very busy with his job, but he keeps learning new things like photography, Spanish and scuba diving. I am really wondering how he manages his time so well. But it turns out that he is doing very well in everything he touches on. Second, Tony has a bunch of friends who are the elites in different walks of life. Sometimes he would take me to attend some gatherings organized by his friends, and I could learn a lot through conversations with them or simply by observing what they are talking and doing.

  More information:

  Hereare 8 characteristics you should consider before allowing someone to have aninfluence in your life:


  Are they who they say they are? Integrity is all about being a whole person. A person of integrity recognizes that who they are is more than just what people see. It is who they are even when no one is looking.


  Allow those that have your best interests at heart to influence you. Some people are just looking to have control over others, but they don’t care about you. Spend time with those that want to see you grow.


  You might be finished with school, but you are not finished learning. Don’t become stagnate. Become a life-long learner and continue to grow every day.

  Forward Movement.

  I wouldn’t be happy with being the same in 10 years from now, and I am sure you wouldn’t want that either. There’s no point to get on a ship that isn’t leaving port. Take real, practical steps towards greatness. Don’t allow someone to pull you down, slow you down or hold you down.


  Kind like integrity, but this one is more specific to the things they say. Lying is the intent to deceive. Does this person tell the truth? Will they do what they say they will do?


  Having influence is an honor and carries responsibility. Think about it this way; I write this blog, hoping to have the honor to influence someone. Make sure you choose someone worthy of your time.


  Someone that sticks with those they run with. If they have a family, they keep them on top of the priority list. Do those closest to them have access?


  Do they have the courage to take the steps towards their dreams? Spend time with the people that have the courage to risk failure in order to see a greater reward.

《2016年托福口语考试素材整理:a person.doc》
