Sample answer:
The writer and the speakerhave a debate on Mustangs. The writer believes that it will have a negativeinfluence on rangeland, which is opposed by the following lecture.
First, the writer claims thatthe Mustangs will overgraze grass, thus making it expose to rain. Wind wouldcarry the topsoil. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, accordingto him/her, Indeed the Mustangs would graze grass, but they only eat top ofplant, so grass will grow again. Besides, fertilizer provided by Mustangs wouldaid plants’ growth.
Secondly, the passage statesthat the land has carrying capacity.. However, the speaker casts doubt on thisopinion by saying that Horses hunt sheep, so the sheep’s population will bereduced. It will not exceed carrying capacity.
Last, the writer argues that Mustangswill degrade the water quality. Therefore, the juvenile fish can not survive. Bycontrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. It isnot caused by Mustangs. There were beavers once. Building dam is good for youngfish. However, people think that beavers will damage environment, thus killingthem. Without beavers, young fish can not survive.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better for the older to take risks and explore new things than young people.
1. 年长的人已经有一定的经济实力,能够有更多的资本去探索新的东西,因为很多新的事物需要投入更多的物力和财力。即使不成功,还是有一定的经济基础,能够基本的维持自己的基本生活。但是年轻人刚开始也没有什么资金,一旦失败了,生活会过的很艰难,还会牵连到自己的家庭。
2. 年长的.人有更多的社会经验和阅历,当他们挑战新的事物的时候,有更多的经验可以参考。即使没有相同的事件,但是也会根据自己的经历去合理的推理。但是年轻人通常想问题比较片面和单一,做事情也比较冲动,因此失败的概率会更大。
1. 年轻人接受的知识更加新,能够顺应时代的潮流。但是老年人思维呆板,想问题的角度比较呆板,不容易成功。
2. 年轻时才有精力去take risk和explore。年轻人精力好,越是新的东西,越需要投入更多的精力,年轻人可以熬夜也可以更多的加班加点,投入更多的时间。但是年长的相对来说体力已经跟不上,而且年长的更加顾及家里的孩子,也希望更加稳定的生活,不愿意冒风险。
3. 年轻的时候多冒险和探索,体验不同的可能性,也会使得生活更精彩。很多事情即使失败了,但是都是给我们人生留下了很多很美好的回忆。