
时间:2024-05-21 08:33:37





I am not an amb’s profession as superior or inferior. I merely hope to have enough to eat and enough to wear so that I can dedicate myself to writing.


Talking about writing, I have a dream to realize. I hope I can write a good play some day. This dream, however, is not a small one. To realize my dream, firstly I need to read a lot or, better still, spend a couple of years studying abroad. Secondly, I must go to the theater and see as many plays as possible to cultivate my eyes. Thirdly, I should get a job at the theater for a year or two to be in everyday contact with directors, actors and all kinds of technicians. Fourthly, perhaps, I should also learn some acting, getting a minor role to play from time to time. Even with all these prerequisites fulfilled, I am still not sure that I have the aptitude of a playwright. If not, my dream cannot come true even if I have worked the hardest. So you see, in this sense, my dream is really not a small one.


You might think I am not telling the truth一making such a ftiss over the mere writing of a play. Very well. Let us look at the matter in a broader perspective. Even in a nation without written fiction, there must be bAllads and folk-tales passed down orally. Man, in a sense, lives in memory. As he remembers the past, he cares for the future. Otherwise he loses his sense of continuity not knowing where he comes from and where he is going. Therefore, literature and arts, either in written form or oral, will never die. If they did, culture would die too.


You see how important literature and arts are!


And then, it was not until culture was further developed that man, stimulated by religious and social activities, invented drama. Drama is a genre much younger than poetry and fiction, but more beautiful and lively and more refined in constume, acting and monologue or dialogue. Drama presents to the audience the culture of the day in a vivid manner. It develops along with culture. When a nation is developed in drama, it can never be barbarized again because drama requires good stories with good ideas, refined language and good music, graceful dancing and a good stage; it also requires well-trained actors and actresses and well-mannered audiences. It is integrated with arts and culture as well. To a certain degree drama is the spokesman of culture. If by now you still held drama in contempt, I’d like you to think about one question: Is there anything else that can substitute for drama? I can assure you there is none. Here is another question for you to think about: Is there any barbarous tribe that is developed in real drama or any civilized country that is without drama?


You see how important drama is!


Since drama is so important, don't you think I should make a resolution to write one? Drama is rooted in the soil of literature and arts, but it absorbs nourishment All arts.


Well, though I am not an ambitious person, I want to make a resolution on the occasion of this Drama Festival. I don’t mean to add to the clamor but to write some plays that are indispensable to the growth of culture. Literature and arts take nourishment from culture and at the same time guide and promote culture. Of all the genres of literature and arts, drama is the only one that integrates other arts with their artistic effects.


The construction of culture has an important role to play in the War against Japanese Aggression. So when I say I want to write a good play, I am not talking nonsense. As for whether I will be able to realize my dream, it all depends on how hard I work. I am willing to work in this field together with my friends and colleagues to achieve this goal.



A veteran springboard diver, defeated by his compatriot in the finals of a worldchampionship, offering congratulations to the victor in a warm embrace and waving a tearfulfarewell to the audience. An outstanding female fencer falling in a decisive set not under theattack of her rival’s sword but as a result of a muscular spasm of her own.


Those are common occurrences in the athletic world but they are scenes of tragic heroismbringing tears to the eyes of the outgoing heroes as well as the audience. Sportsmen spendthe best part of their lives in tough training and fierce competitions fighting for ever betterrecords. When it bccomcs evident they are on the decline they still make strenuous efforts togive their best so as to bring a satisfactory end to their brilliant career.


Chances to compete for championship are few and far between. Life is short. Still shorter isthe time for an athlete trying to win games. None other than an athletic contestant feels sokeenly about the rarity of opportunity and the fleeting of time. He cherishes every minute,makes full use of it and tries to grasp any chance coming his way. He gets as much as he gives,winning honours not only for himself but also for his country.


To participate and to win—that is the Olympic spirit. It finds expression in the weak daring todefy the strong, and the strong striving for ever better performance. Ever better—the idealalways luring a sportsman forward. He will do everything he can for it, never relax, never giveup. It is said that none of the competitors can avoid being defeated—even the best is bound tobe surpassed by someone still stronger. This is the rule of sports—thousands of losers to setoff one victor who in turn will eventually be replaced by someone on the honour list. However,undaunted by the inevitable failure, he is always striving to do the best he can. When thetime comes and he knows he he will step down happily to give place to the younger winner,aware contentedly of the fact that he has done his bit for the “ever better” records of theOlympic Games. He will say proudly that he has not lived his youth in vain.


Jiuzhaigou, China's Fairyland


Sichuan Province in southwest China is renowned for its many fascinatingnatural wonderswhich have attraaed millions of travelers over the centuries.


The recent discovery of the scenic beauty of Jiuzhaigou (Nine-village Ravine)has added charmto the picturesque landscape. Known as "China's Fairyland", Jiuzhaigou is located in the hillsalong the borders of Nanping,Pingwu and Songpan counties, some 400 kilometers fromChengdu, the pro-vinaal capital. Three scenic areas-Shuzheng qunhaigou, Zechawagou andRizegou-combine to make up the 60,000 hectares of fairyland, which is nearly 2,500 metersabove sea level. Its name "Nine-village Ravine"is sup-posed to be because Tibetans onceinhabited nine villages in the ravine.


Here is a brief record in "Green Lakes", a chapter in the Annals ofNanpingCounty: "InJiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mir-rored in the clear water." The scene,actually, is much more beautiffil than can be put into words. Sichuan Prorrince is rich in scenicwonders, each with its own distinctive features—the elegance of Mount Emei, the serenityofMount Qingcheng,the sharp precipice of Jianmen Pass, and the grandeur of Kuimen. But todepict the diverse natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou in one or two words is not nearly enough. "Fairyland",however inadequate, is perhaps the only word to choose.


Intrigued by this fairyland, true lovers of nature have tried recording its uniquebeauty inpoems, paintings, photographs and travel notes. An old local Tibetan tells the story ofJiuzhaigou: "Once upon a time, there lived deep in the mountains an immortal named Dage anda fairy maiden named Wonuosemo. They fell in love. One day, Dage presented Wonuosemowith a bright mirror which he had polished with the wind and the clouds. Unfortunately, themirror slipped from the maiden's hand and broke into 108 pieces, each turning into a lake ofemerald green."It is no wonder why scenic Jiuzhaigou is so entertaining, with so manydistinctive "Green Lakes" reigning over the whole area.


China is a land of scenic contrasts, each uniquely representing its own area: West Lake inHangzhou with enchanting pavilions set in quiet surroundings, Mount Emei in Sichuan withpeaks peeping through mist and clouds, Guilin in Guangxi with panoramic views of mountainsand rivers. And Jiuzhaigou presents another view. Aged trees wave the seasons by, amidcarpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation. Sparkling lakes and waterfalls vary withevery season. Some rare trees and grasses, survivors of the glacial epoch,still thrive here inharmony with a host of creatures which make this ravine their home, for the land teems withsuch animals as giant pandas, golden monkeys, takins, white-eared pheasants, deer and riverdeer. All of this unfolds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and flora. As observersfrom Nanping County have justly put it, "All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature. Ifthe natural charm were removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou."Mystic lakes andsparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. The trees are their greenestin spring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills andlakelands. As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing colorthrough the thickly forested hills. Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout theyear, particularly at places around Mirror Lake and Five-flower Lake at Rizegou, and Multi-coloredLake at Zechawagou, where a profusion of colors is brought into full harmony with nature.This singular spectacle can only be seen in Jiuzhaigou-a natural preserve.



In addition to this natural beauty Jiuzhaigou, again, is noted for its three scenic areas whichare so concentrated in the region and yet so strikingly contrasted with each other thattourists cannot believe their eyes even when they see them. After visiting this fairyland inautumn, a tourist entrepreneur from abroad exclaimed, "Of all the scenic spots the world hasever produced, nothing compares with this." He then turned to his companion, the deputyhead of Nanping County, and said, "You are lucky to govern the most beautiful place in theworld."Scenic Jiuzhaigou is indeed one of nature's most extravagant splendors anywhere andthe crowning glory of Sichuan Province.

